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- *********************************************************************
- * LAZER - Poor Man's Typesetter for HP LaserJet++ and Compatibles *
- * *
- * (c) 1987 James Bumgardner *
- *********************************************************************
- *********************************************************************
- You are hereby granted permission to use this program for
- non-commericial pursuits. If you are using this program in a
- commercial setting (or are in a generous mood), Please send one
- of the following items to the author.
- A. An unusual postcard.
- B. A small trinket or toy.
- C. A job application or contact
- D. Plane Tickets
- E. An 80386 Machine, Mac II, or other high-end micro
- James Bumgardner
- 4741 Clybourn Ave #1
- North Hollywood, CA 91602
- (818)766-0594 (PLINK BUM)
- *******************************************************************
- This Archive Contains:
- LAZER.EXE The Type
- LAZER.DOC What It Is
- OKI.TXT Sample Header file for OKI LaserLine
- FORM.TXT Sample Form
- This program processes ascii text files which contain special commands
- in Brackets [].
- Many, but not all, HP+ commands are supported. Some commands directly
- translate into a corresponding HP command. Other commands are more
- sophisticated, and actually do some useful things the printer can't
- do. LAZER can perform these functions:
- - Download soft fonts
- - Read text from an "include" file (Nesting up to 16 levels).
- ** The file OKI.TXT is a special include file to assign font-ids
- to the resident fonts on an OKI Laserline. You may want to use
- this as a model for setting up your printer.
- - Read data from a bitmap. The bitmap file is in a very simple,
- but nonstandard, format, two words indicating the dimensions of the
- bitmap, and then the bitmap data. Future versions of LAZER will
- read other formats.
- - Make Lazer Output Files more understandable by allowing you to
- insert comments.
- If you won't find this program of any use, don't erase it just yet. The
- OKIPIE program (available at the same place you got this) needs this program
- to typeset hi-res pie graphs. Other forthcoming graphics programs will
- use it as well.
- Usage
- -----
- LAZER form.txt (This outputs to LPT1)
- LAZER form.txt LPT2
- or
- LAZER form.txt 2 (This outputs to LPT2)
- LAZER form.txt outfile (This outputs to a file)
- Command Glossary
- ----------------
- Lazer files combine text and typesetting commands.
- All Typesetting Commands are surrounded with []
- To actually print a left square bracket, use [[.
- You can chain multiple commands in the same set of brackets, and put
- white space (spaces,tabs,returns) between commands. Like so:
- [ ; this is a comment
- L1200,2300 ; Locate Cursor
- F0 ; Font Zero
- ]
- All filenames are surrounded with <>
- [
- L1200,1200 ; Locate Cursor
- IB150<piechart.map> ; Read Bitmap at 150 resolution
- ]
- Basic Commands
- --------------
- [E] Escape
- This sends an escape to your printer, allowing you to use
- escape codes LAZER doesn't support.
- [^x] Control Characters
- Same Idea.
- [F#] Select Font
- [F#<file>] Download Font
- Examples:
- [F0] (select font # 0)
- [F2<OPT10.SFP>] (download opt10.sfp as font # 2).
- Font Filenames default to .SFP
- [A#] Assign Font-ID
- Assigns a Font-ID to the last descibed Font - useful for assigning
- IDs to resident and cartridge fonts.
- [H#] Select Pitch Specify characters per inch.
- [V#] Select Point Size Specify points (1/72")
- [(xx] Select Symbol Set (e.g. [(OU] )
- [T#] Type Face (0-10)
- [P#] Spacing: 0 - fixed, 1 - proportional, -1 Compressed Prop
- [O#] Orientation: Landscape [O1] Portrait [O0]
- You not combine landscape and portrait on the same page.
- These commands remain in effect until turned off - be sure to
- reset at the next page, if desired.
- [D#] Lines Per Inch Specify lines per inch
- [!] Bold Toggle Example: He was a [!]bad[!] boy.
- [/] Italic Toggle
- [_] Underline Toggle
- [M?#] Set Margin
- l left margin in columns
- r right margin in columns
- t top margin in lines
- [Mc] Clear Margins
- [f] FormFeed
- Graphics
- --------
- [L#,#] Locate X,Y
- [L,#] Locate Y
- [L#] Locate X
- Locate cursor at XX-YY coordinates (1/720" increments)
- X and Y values may be offsets (use + and - signs).
- [LS] Push Cursor
- [LP] Pop Cursor
- You may save and restore the cursor position mutliple times on
- a Last in First out basis.
- [G#] Set Grey Scale
- This command sets a grey scale for drawing lines and boxes.
- The grey scale value is independent from the pattern value.
- Specify 1-100.
- [p#] Set Pattern
- This command sets up a pattern for drawing lines and boxes.
- 1 Horizontal Lines
- 2 Vertical Lines
- 3 Diagonal to upper right.
- 4 Diagonal to lower right
- 5 1+2 Criss Cross
- 6 3+4 Criss Cross
- [R?##,##] Print Rule (Lines and Boxes)
- s or b Solid
- g Grey Scale
- p Pattern
- ##,## Height and Width in 1/720" increments
- Control and Macros
- ------------------
- [N+] Ignore Returns
- Causes CR-LFs outside of brackets to be ignored. This is useful
- for making complex forms more readable.
- [N-] Don't Ignore Returns
- [I<file>] Include File
- Starts reading commands from the specified file. Good for standard
- letter heads, etc. Often, include files will contain a series
- of macros (see below). After the file is read, control is transfered
- back to the original file. You may nest includes up to 16 levels.
- Include filenames default to .TXT
- [*{#] Start Macro
- [*}] End Macro
- These two commands define a "Macro", a set of commands which are
- identified by number, and then can be executed over and over again.
- Between these two commands, place all the instructions or text you want
- the macro to perform. Macros are stored by the printer, and will
- execute faster then sending the same text over again.
- [*#] Execute Macro
- This command executes the macro defined in a macro definition above.
- Raster Graphics
- ---------------
- [IB<file>] Read Bitmap at default resolution
- [IB#<file>] Read Bitmap at particular resolution
- A bitmap is a file with a picture in it. The first 4 bytes contain
- the bitmap's dimensions (Horizontal , Vertical). The rest of the
- file is the bitmap. The bitmap is read in at the current cursor
- position.
- You may optionally specify a resolution (300, 150 or 75 dpi).
- 300, or the last reso used, is the default.
- Bitmap Filenames default to .MAP
- ** END OF DOCS **